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Writer's pictureSammi Zajko

A microbial hello!

Welcome to the Fermenting Australia blog.


Well, a big, warm, microbial hello to you! I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself and the Fermenting Australia blog. This blog has certainly been a long time coming, but I guess, sometimes good things are worth the wait.

For those of you who don't know me, I am Sammi Zajko. I am proud owner and fermentation revivalist here at Fermenting Australia. I am also a workshop facilitator, presenter, speaker, nutritional researcher, foodie, wild weed forager, nature-lover, partner and mother. I have a background in nutrition and natural health, and have been touring and teaching the art, joy and health benefits of fermentation around the country for the last 6 years. My passion is to teach and share the wonderful and fascinating world of fermented food in a way that is accessible, easy and fun. My workshops are energetic, informative and dynamic. Sharing and inspiring good health through vibrant traditional nutrition is one of my greatest pleasures.

I wanted to share some of my thoughts on health. To me, health is a multi-faceted concept. Disease, or "dis-ease" can stem from dis-ease in the body, heart, mind or spirit. I truly believe that you cannot experience true health unless you have a balance of physical health, emotional, health and spiritual health.

Science is proving more and more each day the concept that Hippocrates stated over 2000 years ago "that all disease begins in the gut." Our physical health truly depends on a solid foundation of good gut health and quality nutrition. I love sharing traditional food wisdom and the art, joy and health benefits of fermentation at my Fermentation Workshops. You can find out more about my classes and workshops here.

Along this vein of gut health, I am proud to introduce to you my collaboration, The Gut Warriors. The Gut Warriors, myself and Jaya Taki spent 2018 touring Sydney, Canberra and regional NSW sharing our quirky, informative, entertaining and sometimes heart-wrenching experience of the "ins and outs of gut health." We are back in 2019 with more! We are kicking off in Newcastle on the 20th March for our first gut health seminar for 2019.

I am humbled to be recently features as a professional guest, alongside an incredible line-up of gut health professionals from the USA and Australia on The Gut Solution, and international documentary released in February 2019.

But what about our emotional health? I have recently completed a Diploma in Counselling and am beginning to take clients in my holistic counselling private practice. You can find out more about this here. I have experienced first hand, the profound healing that can be achieved when we actively work towards healing trauma in our lives and stepping into our power. I truly believe that no amount of physical health precautions (nutrition, gut health, sleep, exercise, sunlight, healthy sexuality etc) can completely heal us if we are suffering from pain, grief, trauma or other emotional wounds.

And finally, personally, I believe for us to have true health, we need to also nourish our spirit/soul. I am also a qualified Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner, helping to restore balance on a soul level. Healing and nourishing our soul may look different to everyone- it may be the belief in a higher power, connection to Spirit, Source or God, it may be honouring yourself as your own god(dess) and your body as the temple to your soul, or even cultivating a daily practice that includes an "attitude of gratitude". I find that this is very different and personal for everybody. What works for you?

I like to live life to the full, fuelled with energy and health from fermented foods! I am also a (currently retired) qualified and experienced doula (birth-support), Infant Massage Instructor, Swimming teacher, Dive Master.

I am a co-parenting mum to my beautiful 9-year old boy, Jem. Jem’s favourite food is lacto-fermented pickles and he calls himself a “cheeky fermenter!” He is a potent reminder of the importance of fermented foods and high quality, nutrient-dense foods in the family diet for vibrant health. Jem is also my continued inspiration for living sustainably and treading softly on the Earth. I believe that we have borrowed this Earth from our children and my life and business reflects that philosophy.

But this blog isn't about me! It is about YOU. It is about encouraging you to enjoy creating and eating fermented foods and other traditional foods in your home. It is about supporting you as you journey into vibrant health. It is about inspiring you, helping you when you unsure, encouraging you when you need encouragement.

Follow along for recipes, tips, musings, guest bloggers and more...

Yours in emergence, expansion and health,

Sammi xx

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