This is one of my favourite sauerkraut recipes that I have created.
This recipe packs an anti-inflammatory punch and is full of anti-oxidants. Curcumin,
found in turmeric combats inflammatory diseases, helps to prevent Alzheimer’s,
inhibits cancer growth and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. The addition
of cracked pepper significantly increases the bioavailability of curcumin.
In addition, this kraut is delicious! It can be served as an accompaniment to meats
and stews, mixed through a salad or delicious as a topping to smoked salmon or
avocado toast.
INGREDIENTS (Makes a bit over one Litre)
1kg green cabbage, chopped or shredded
Half brown onion, chopped
6 cloves of garlic, chopped
The zested rind of one organic lemon
2 thumb-sized pieces of turmeric, peeled and finel y chopped or grated
A good amount of cracked, black pepper
20g (four teaspoons) of salt
Large bowl
1 Litre clean glass jar
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
Massage your cabbage with your hands or pound
with a rolling pin or purpose-made “saurkraut
pounder” until you can squeeze liquid out of
your cabbage. This should take around three to
five minutes.
Tightly pack your cabbage mix into your glass
jar, regularly pushing it down with your fist,
saurkraut pounder or a rolling pin. Continue to
fill your jar, leaving about 2cm (1 inch) from the
top, so that the vegetables can expand. Again,
push the cabbage mix down so that the vegetables
are fully submerged by the liquid brine. Vegetable
fermentation is an anaerobic process, therefore
it is important to keep vegetables submerged
under a liquid. Add any additional liquid left over
from your bowl. Place lid on your jar.
To allow your cabbage to ferment, leave it
on your kitchen bench or in a cupboard or
pantry for 1 to 4 weeks (longer if you wish).
If you find that your vegetables have expanded
and are no longer submerged, you may push
them back under the liquid with a clean spoon.
You may wish to place a tray with a paper towel
under your jar, to catch any liquid that may spill
out, should that occur. Fermentation time will
vary according to the seasons and your climate.
Bubbles, hisses, fizzes and leaking liquid are
normal and are an indication of a live, probiotic-rich
kraut, although they are not necessary.
Open your jar every couple of days to push any
expanding vegetables back below the liquid
brine with a clean spoon. Any white yeast that
forms on top is known as “kahm yeast” and can
be simply scraped off.
Taste your kraut. When it reaches a flavour that
you enjoy, you may transfer it to the fridge where
it will last many months (at least 3 months,
possibly much longer).
Enjoy this bright, colourful, healthy and delicious saurkraut!
For more fantastic saurkraut recipes, feel free to purchase my e-Book for just $12.95 from here!