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Teaching and Touring, Orange Food Week, Fitness, Autumn Trees and lacto-ferments!

Gosh! what a fantastic week I have been blessed to have!

Despite being floored with the flu, I managed to keep myself together enough to enjoy some fabulous fermenting classes in Dubbo and Orange, as well as the beginning of Orange Food Week, AND I got to be a guest presenter at Live it Up Orange by Off the Track Training (more on this in my next blog post).

It is just so inspiring and wonderful to get to meet so many of you while I am on the road. One of my greatest passions is to bring my classes to regional towns, so I always jump at these opportunities, and make them happen whenever I can!

I was lucky enough to be in Orange for the beginning of Food and Wine week. The town was buzzing with excitement, it was just palpable! The Friday night food festival was incredible- full of so many local stalls and producers selling their delicious foods and local wines. What a treat.

In addition to that, I was moved almost to tears by the beauty of the autumn trees in Orange. I have a huge connection with trees, and have spent most of my life, deeply communicating with them- they speak to me. I truly believe that they speak to us all, we just need to (re)learn how to listen. I used to think that people would think that I am crazy when I publically talk about communicating with trees... but the more I talk about it, the more people contact me or pull me aside saying how deeply this resonates with them! There is so much information and books available about communicating with nature and the life of trees... Some of my favourite books on the topic, currently on my bookshelf include:

The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

Plant Souls Speak through Robert Shapiro

Plant Spirit Shamanism by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing

Food of the Gods by Terrence McKenna

Finally, I wanted to share a delicious lacto-fermented, brined vegetable recipe with you all. It is so simple, and so absolutely delicious!


This simple fermented dish is easy to make, tasty and is delicious served on a ploughmans platter, or mixed through a salad.

You will need:

-a 500ml glass jar




-red onion

-whole peppercorns


-filtered water.


Finely slice veggies and pack them neatly into your jar.

Add approx 6 whole peppercorns to your jar.

In a jug, create a 2% salt brine (20g salt per litre of filtered water.)

Pour your salt brine over your veggies. Pop your lid on your jar, and leave them to ferment on your bench for 1-3 weeks. They may bubble a bit during the initial fermentation process- this is normal!

Taste regularly. When they reach a texture and flavour that you enjoy, it's time to eat! Enjoy!

Sammi xxx

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